Prostitution is an ages-old profession that is even talked about in the early pages of, and throughout, the Bible. That doesn’t make it an acceptable occupation, but the fact remains that prostitution is alive and well among us all and affects many of us, whether we are aware of it or not.
Truck drivers are aware of the existence of these people since prostitution is a part of the reason truckers are surrounded by negativity from many who are not connected with the trucking industry.
Commercial truck drivers have all heard the advertisements of lot lizards over the CB radio as they pass by or pull into a truck stop frequented by these females who are there for the sole purpose of relieving drivers of their hard-earned cash.
Lot Lizard and Recreational Reptile; those are not cute, lovable nicknames like the ones you might give to your children. The unofficial names truckers bestow on women who disrespect their own bodies are an indication of how most drivers feel about that profession.
The majority of truck drivers are glad when they hear about a law enforcement sting operation going on in a truck stop to catch the few among them who are willing to pay for the ‘services’ of lot lizards. With the advent of cell phones, drivers have not only used their CBs to warn other drivers of the presence of illegal activity, but they also make calls to truck stop management and law enforcers so that the perpetrators may be removed from the facility.
There is not a truck driver who has been on the road for more than a few days who has not heard the rap, rap, rap on the side of their truck intended to wake them up from much needed sleep to be asked if they want some company. And every driver has heard the stories of how someone made the mistake of opening the truck door only to be robbed or killed by that particular lot lizard.
But that is not the only danger for the few drivers who are vulnerable to these people. Many lot lizards are emaciated which should be the only warning a driver needs. STDs are rampant among lot lizards.
Truckers don’t deserve the bad reputation imposed on us mostly by the news media. We are hard working people making a living and trying to live down all the negativity.
Trucker 2 Trucker
Trucker 2 Trucker
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