Write for Us

Thank you for showing your interest in being part of the TheNetIkons community.

Publishing unique and first heard content is what we always aimed for.
We welcome interested, experienced and creative bloggers to join into the 
TheNetIkons  community, who can write about technology and related topics by maintaining high quality and avoiding plagiarism. 

To help our fellow readers, visitors and all those who found our tutorials useful on the web. We invite all young interested, experienced and creative bloggers to join into the 
TheNetIkons  community. I will highly appreciate articles on the following topics:

1. Linux Tutorials (RedHat, CentOS, Fedora, Debain, Ubuntu etc)
2. Blogger Tutorials (Tips, Tricks and Hacks)
3. Windows Tutorials (Software)
4. Web Designing (CSS + HTML Tutorials)
5. Facebook 
6. Google Plus (
7. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
6. Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube etc ) 
7. Make Money Online
8. Android + iPad + iPhone
9. Technology related

Rules & Guidelines :

Once you start contributing to TheNetIkons as a writer, there are some things you might need to know:

1. We shall not edit or modify your post content in any case; it can either be approved or rejected. We will communicate to you accordingly. In some cases if modification and editing needed that would take place.

2. Content of the post must be original, and should not be reproduced anywhere else, even in your own blog/site before and after it is published in 
TheNetIkons . Plagiarism will not be accepted at any cost.

3. Grammatical error, usage of unprofessional language and irresponsible comments shall lead to rejection of the post.

4. The posts must be first heard and not published elsewhere and must contain at least 500To 1000 words.

5. Kindly avoid copyright infringement and come up with your own brilliant, creative and innovative ideas. 

Note: Guest posters will be gifted with all legal rights like signature links and a brief author intro. A maximum of three links added to the author’s personal profile.

How do I get started? :

Simply send your articles at thenetikons@gmail.com and also tell us about yourself, your blog and your writing experience.

It is important that you email us afterward telling us that you have submitted a post for review and expect it to go online.

Wishing you  a New Very Happy start. We hope to benefit you as much as we can. Best of luck! 

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