Thursday 31 May 2012

Facebook to launch an exclusive ‘Activity Feed’ for Games

To allow user to discover new games and get regular updates with engagement on Games, Facebook is planning to launch the Activity Feeds exclusive for Games.
According to Facebook’s developer blog, “Today we are announcing new ways to drive greater discovery and engagement with games on Facebook, including games stories in News Feed and a games Timeline unit. We are also testing the addition of a prominent link to app requests on the homepage, a games-only activity feed and changes to the live ticker.”
Facebook has already launched the Game Stories in the mobile feed and now they are planning to bring in
All users now have the option to have their games activity appear on timeline.
Further Facebook writes, ““We recently launched a new Timeline unit that deeply integrates a user’s top game activity over a given period of time into their timeline. This unit highlights the games users play the most, as well as top scores and achievements, allowing for quick re-engagement for the user and discovery among friends”.

About the Author
This is a guest post by Rishi. He is a professional blogging consultant. Rishi is owner of 

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