Sunday 1 July 2012

A Guide To Advanced Talent Management

The lasting recession in the UK has led to an increase in unemployment levels and a series of failing businesses through lack of customers, cash flow problems or inadequate staffing. It is therefore increasingly important for companies to find the right employees who can drive their businesses forward both now and in the years ahead. It is equally important for employees to find jobs where their position will be stable and rewarding. This is where advanced talent management comes in. This article goes on to discuss exactly what advanced talent management is.

What is Advanced Talent Management?

Advanced talent management is a term used to describe the management of matching employees to job opportunities. The theory is to find the employee a job which matches their skill levels, provides them with opportunities to develop both these existing skills and new ones and to be rewarded for their efforts. For companies, advanced talent management means finding employees who have the skills, enthusiasm and passion required to make a real contribution to the company’s aims and long term goals.

Advanced Talent Management for Companies

There are a number of recruitment service providers out there who offer a variety of talent management services but overall the scope is very similar. Advanced talent management usually involves a company approaching a recruitment service provider with a role or job description that needs filling. It is then down to the service provider to find a suitable employee. This process typically involves searching for candidates via advertisements, job fairs or through head hunting and using the selection process, including interviews, to reduce the candidates to only the ones specifically suited to such a role.
The provider is also likely to offer the company advice as to which recruitment strategies to use to meet their needs and budgets, along with interview coaching to ensure the most is made of the interview stage for a great employee fit. They may also provide services such as advice on recruitment budgeting, employee retention strategies and the training and development of employees too.

Advanced Talent Management for Employees

As well as working with companies to find suitable employees, most talent management providers also work with candidates to find them a suitable job. This is likely to include profile creation to identify a suitable role based on the candidate’s skills as well as their long term aims. They will also help to create CVs, provide realistic advice of salary guidelines, offer interview coaching and feedback along with providing on and offline training and support.
The aim is to match the employee to a suitable job where they can be utilised to the best of their abilities in a rewarding role.
Whether you are part of a company looking to find new, highly skilled employees or a candidate looking to find suitable employment, advanced talent management will save you both time and energy.

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