Tuesday 31 July 2012

Sales Training - Helpful Sales Call Statistics

Whilst there has been a lot of debate in recent years as to whether or not the use of sales calls has become outdated, it is still a tactic that a lot of companies use. Whilst we will leave that debate for another time, training your staff to properly approach and conduct work calls is something that every business should do. Whether the customer calls you or you call them, having confident staff who can answer questions about your product and walk your customer through the process to the point of conversion is essential. 

 One of the best things that your sales staff can do in order to prepare for these customer calls is research.  No one can speak with confidence about something they do not understand or are not familiar with. Secondly you should run training sessions on customer purchasing behavior. If your staff can understand what encourages/discourages a customer to purchase then they can learn to allay fears and break down reservations when a customer does call. For some interesting sales call stats check out our infographic!

Vicky works with http://www.precept.uk.com/ who offer sales training. She likes to write business and sales articles primarily for start-ups and young entrepreneurs. 

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